
An old song made with the idea of simplicity, and inspired loosely by a recent breakup…

The dinners we had
In the freezer are gone
Because I threw them all out
Near the couch on the lawn

The mess that we made
Is all wrong
Now that your gone

The floors are all mopped
And the dishes are clean
I bought all new clothes
They’re in the washing machine
I can’t stand a mess
‘Cause it reminds me
Of somewhere you’ve been

A happy man is a tidy man
A very tidy man is a happy man

Now I can’t stay inside
And sit and watch the TV
‘Cause that’s all that we did
Just our mess— you and me
Now I can’t even curse
Because your mouth
is all I would see

I made lots of friends
A thing we’d never have done
We do lots of things
And pretend to have fun
A tidy healthy slob
Running desperately
Around in the sun

A happy man is a tidy man
A very tidy man is a happy man
Oh yeah
Oh yeah

Oh yeah
Oh yeah

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