Here’s a little something done for my sainted wife on Mother’s Day, painted on a blank 6″ Munny Vinyl Doll.
Here’s a little something done for my sainted wife on Mother’s Day, painted on a blank 6″ Munny Vinyl Doll.
This track is probably finished, but vocals may be added at a later date. Maybe a couple other things. It’s a bit too repetitive in spots. Listen for a musical saw for extra merit points.
Another style experiment. Although I’ve had Painter for years, I’ve never taken the time to really get to know it. This project scratched that itch, and now have a quiver of proven brushes figured out for the next time I do a project like this.
I’ve been noodling around with this concept for a while now. Here it is in a near final form! Get the shirt here.
This project had been occupying my thoughts for some time, so it had to be made real. It can be placed on a floor or table, or even hung on the wall. Though the librosaurus prefers books, it will take whatever you would like to place in its gaping maw.